
Parents are asked to purchase our school uniform including the PE kit. This ensures that the children feel part of the school, it prevents morning battles as to what to wear for school and PE, is smart, practical and easily washed.

Please ensure that every item is clearly labelled with your child’s name, and that coats have hanging tabs sewn into them.

For health and safety reasons, children should not wear jewellery to school and tattoos and nail polish are not part of the school uniform.

The Friends of Hollinhey regularly hold Uniform Sales. Donations appreciated!

On your child’s birthday, or the nearest convenient date, they are allowed to wear their own choice of clothing which helps them feel special and everyone knows it is their special day!

Our compulsory uniform consists of:

  • Hollinhey logo sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Pale blue polo shirt
  • Smart black or navy trousers or shorts, navy pinafore or skirt
  • (a blue/white checked dress may be worn in the Summer Term)
  • Plain black school shoes
  • (Trainer type are permissible as long as they are plain black including soles)
  • Plain black, white or navy socks or tights

PE kit

PE kit may be worn on designated PE days. This does not include days when they are participating in after school events. Please can they still wear their normal Hollihey Sweatshirt.

  • Hollinhey logo PE T-shirt
  • Plain Team-coloured t-shirt for half-termly PE competitions & Sports Day
  • (Blue= Brindley, Red=Tunnicliffe, Yellow=Whiston, Green= Hollinshead)
  • Navy shorts/cycling shorts/skorts
  • Trainers
  • Black Pumps are optional for indoor PE- although Gymnastics and Dance will be done in bare feet (unless exempt due to verrucae)
  • Plain navy blue or black joggers or leggings are optional during the winter

If a pupil needs to be exempt from any part of this uniform due to additional needs, then permission should be sought from the Headteacher.

Uniform available from

Classworx Schoolwear & More
King Edward Road
SK10 1AP
Tel: 01625 500552
For a direct link to the School policy: Click here
See Files to Download to download a copy.

Files to Download


Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo
