Our School in the Community
We believe that our school should both contribute to life in its community and try to use and develop local opportunities to enhance the quality of our work.
There is a monthly article in the Parish Magazine which keeps the community informed about our aims and achievements.
We have good links with Rossendale Hall, a residential and day centre for people with learning difficulties; our choirs perform for the village ‘Hob Nob’ club and local care homes; and we are developing our global links with ‘Maria’s Care School’ in Uganda and a french school. Every year we celebrate the "Day of Modern Languages" when we welcome many visitors to share their native languages with the children.
The school premises are used by members of the community for a range of activities at different times of the year e.g. Macclesfield College courses, football, aikido, parish youth meetings, guide and scout events, the U3A (University of the Third Age) etc.
We have established close links with the local pre-school group at St. James’ Church, Sutton and we also receive children from other Macclesfield nurseries and playgroups. We enjoy a good relationship with the local churches and support our children in raising money for a variety of charities.
Every year the Year 4 lead our Harvest Festival assembly in school. Harvest gifts are donated by the children and families to form a display. Tinned produce is given to the local church and the baskets are distributed, by the children, throughout the neighbourhood. We also have a carol service and an art competition to which members of the local community are invited to attend.
More able pupils from years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend the masterclasses held at The Macclesfield Academy.
Hollinhey has established links with many schools and organisations in order to enhance the education of its pupils. We are working on projects for ‘Enterprise Education’ and modern foreign language provision withAll Hallows Catholic College; Maths and English projects with The Macclesfield Academy as well as Music and Arts.
Hollinhey is a member of the Macclesfield Academy Learning Partnership and the Macclesfield Area Partnership. Both these partnerships aim to pursue educational excellence in all local primary and secondary schools through the sharing of expertise.