Admission to the school
We joined the Aspire Educational Trust on 1st April 2019 and The Aspire Educational Trust is now the Admissions Authority for our School.
- Outcome of Consultation (Sept 24) Document
- Determined AET Admissions Arrangements and Policy 2026-2027
How do I get a place for my child?
We welcome enquiries from parents of children at any age, and encourage you to visit us as many times as you wish with your child before they start school. An open day is also held during the Autumn term each year to help parents make their choice for the following September. The admissions process is administered by Cheshire East Council and an application should be made before mid January of the year your child is due to start school in September.
Click here to go to Cheshire East Admissions
When does my child have to start school officially?
Cheshire East Council’s admission policy for all its primary schools is as follows:-
“Any child reaching the age of 5 between 1st September and 31st August may be admitted full time to school on the first day of the Autumn term in September.”
We encourage parents to admit their child on the first day of the Autumn term as this does help children settle and make friends early on. We are very aware of the needs of young children and are flexible in our approach so that children feel happy and secure.
How is my child introduced to school in preparation for reception class?
1. In the Summer Term, prior to your child starting school, we will invite your child to share some story times with our present reception class. This gives them an opportunity to get to know each other, and gives parents a chance to meet up over a cup of coffee, with toys and books for their pre-school children to play with. There will be key people present to discuss school meals, uniform and the before and after school club.
2. Your child will be invited to a series of half-day visits during the Summer term. The children are gradually introduced to the school routines whilst doing fun activities, and they get to know their teacher, their new class mates and some older children in the school so that they will know friendly faces right from the start.
3. Your family will be sent school newsletters inviting you to bring your child to events such as sports day, plays, fairs and special school lunches. You will start receiving these after we have notified you of your child’s place. In the meantime, please browse our school learning platform, which has a copy of each newsletter published on it. The majority of our correspondence is now via e-mail, so please leave an up-to-date address with the school office.
4. Parents of reception children are invited to two ‘new parents’ evenings; one in the Summer term prior to your child starting school and another early in the Autumn term after your child has started school, to find out more about how we work throughout our school. We will show you the sorts of activities that your children will be doing and give you an opportunity to have a go!
5. Children are encouraged to start full time in reception from the outset. Our main aim is to ensure that your child feels safe and secure, that friendships are forged and that the routine of the day is established but if you feel that your child would benefit from a more gradual easing into school please let us know. We are always willing to help, and you know your child best.
6. Parents are very welcome to discuss any matters with the class teacher at the end of the school day; shorter, informal contact also takes place immediately before school starts. We like to give you quality time, so a note or a phone call asking for a time slot with a quick outline of your concerns is always appreciated.
Older children joining Hollinhey
If you wish your child to start at Hollinhey at any time other than in the September of their Reception year, then please contact the school for a visit and apply through the Cheshire East Council admissions team. Click here to go to Cheshire East Admissions