Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Baggs
Year 5 Teacher
To contact us direct, please could you email
We are here to keep everyone in our school community safe. If you have a safety worry, Mrs Clough is here to help. Email
Welcome to the Year 5 webpage!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
I am so excited to welcome you back to school and to have our class family back together again. I can't wait to continue our adventure in Year 5!
My priority is to ensure that your child is safe, happy and excited to come to school. Please don't hesitate to send me an email or talk to me at the beginning or end of the day, I will always find time to listen and help if I can.
Imagine a time known as the `dark ages` where people lived in wooden huts and hunted for food.... This half term we will be immersing ourselves into 449 AD when the Anglo Saxons first invaded Britain. Who were they? Why did they invade Britain? How did they live?
This half termly project will take us back in time to discover this important part of history. We will be cooking up a storm in the kitchen, making viking stew and getting to know a little more about the Monster Slayer in our class read.
Important information
PE Lessons:
This half term the children will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. We ask that children to come school dressed in their PE kit. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed or covered.
Please send water in the childrens' bottles and a healthy snack for breaktime. Please consider carefully which snacks will help your child to succeed with their learning, preferably those which provide slow release energy through the morning.
Yellow homework folders with paper homework and spellings will be sent home every Wednesday and should be completed for the following Monday.
A spelling session is taught in school on Wednesdays, spellings sent home that day to practise and learn for the following Monday through use of ‘look-say-cover-write-check’ and/or Spelling Shed, followed by a spelling check on Mondays.
I recommend either using a ‘look-say-cover-write-check’ approach for each word a few times before Monday and/or having a go on Spelling Shed. The word lists put on Spelling Shed match the spelling patterns of this week’s words. A few shorter practices over the week are likely to be more efficient and effective than a single, longer practice session. If time permits, a brief reminder on Monday morning might help too.
The children will be expected to have practised them as part of their homework. We will have a spelling check in school on Monday (carried out sensitively so as to build confidence in test situations while minimising any worries) to allow the children to show what they’ve learnt.
If your child seems to memorise the words more effectively through either Spelling Shed or ‘look-say-cover-write-check’, they can focus on using that method in particular.
Our Digital Platform Learning expectations are as follows:
2 x 5 min TT Rockstars
(Learning and memorising timetables is very important as they are used in their Maths lessons)
5 x Spelling Shed games or 5 IDL activities (Weds onwards)
When homework is set each Wednesday the children will be given a maths questions to practise, which will be linked to their maths lessons and will help with their confidence and recall.
For this homework children will be set activities to practise their punctuation and grammar skills linked to their English lessons.