Pupil Voice

School Council

Our School Council is made up of children from Years 1 to 6.  The members have to give a speech to their class as to why they should be elected, a vote takes place and the members are duly elected.  Our School Council has influenced play times; lunch time arrangements; selected and purchased play equipment and organised fund raising days amongst many other initiatives.

Junior Re-cycling Officers

The Junior Re-cycling Officers at Hollinhey are selected from Year 6. They help re-cycle paper and batteries. They take assemblies to encourage children to remember the three R’s:   Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Junior Safety Officers

Our Junior Safety Officers do a very important job. They work with the Headteacher, the Health and Safety Governor and the Police to try and make sure Hollinhey is a safe and happy place to be. Two pupils from our year 6 class have been selected.  They have organised Walk to School Weeks, keep a check on parking around the school and they have carried out simple Risk Assessments. Every month they present safety bulletin to the classes.

Junior Digital Leaders

Also in 2014, Hollinhey was invited participate in a new Cheshire East initiative promting safe internet practice. Three Junior Digital Leaders were elected from Year 5 for a two year term to raise the profile of E-safety with the pupils. They carried out an evaluation of a proposed scheme of work by the Cheshire East Safeguarding Team. In 2016, two Digital Leaders were elected from Year 5 to continue their work for the next two years.

Safeguarding Ambassadors

In 2017, Safeguarding Ambassadors were selected from Year 5 to attend training at Macclesfield College and to help the pupils feel safe and secure at Hollinhey. They  remind pupils of Hollinhey's Anti-Bullying message, 'Tell Someone, Tell Someone Else, Tell them again!' and re-inforce our phrase 'Stop it! I don't like it!' and are working alongside the JSOs and JDL and PC Jane Commins on evaluating resources to help puils keep safe out of school.



Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo
