
Our March 2023 non-graded report: 'Holliney Primary School continues to be a good school'

Read the full report here!

Whilst one word will never give the whole picture of a school, we feel the report is a true reflection of how amazing our school is. We were particularly pleased to read that the inspection recognised that:
Hollinhey is a welcoming, caring school. Pupils are happy to attend and say that they feel safe and well looked after
Pupils have positive attitudes to learning and try hard to produce their best work.
Leaders have designed an ambitious and interesting curriculum. It is well sequenced to ensure that pupils can build and remember learning. 
Pupils behave well in lessons and as they move around the school. They are polite and have excellent manners.
Trust leaders and governors know the school well. They are ambitious for all pupils to be academically and personally ready for their next steps.
Please do  read the report in full  (Files to Download) as there are many other great comments.

Our 2017 Ofsted rating was "Good"

Since then we have joined the Aspire Educational Trust and therefore on the Ofsted website the school is deemed closed until we have a new Osfsed Inspection.

See Files below to download the full letter.

"....a welcoming and caring school. Pupils enjoy coming to school and enjoy their learning. Parents are very supportive of the school and are positive about the leadership and management of the school and the friendly, caring staff who teach their children. Parents feel ‘lucky that their children can attend such a happy and caring school where children are valued and helped to achieve their best’. Staff are proud to work at the school and feel valued and supported by leaders. Staff say that the school is a safe and positive environment for children, where your leadership is ‘building on strengths of the school and moving the school forward in a positive way’."

Our 2012 Ofsted rating was "Good"

Go to the bottom of the page to download the full Ofsted report.

Extracts from 2012 Ofsted report:

Teaching is typically good with elements of outstanding practice. Lessons are characterised by busy pupils responding with enthusiasm to a range of practical and stimulating activities.

Teamwork is strong and the school’s work is clearly focused on raising pupils’ achievement and improving quality of learning.

Pupils make good progress from their typical starting points and quickly develop great enthusiasm for learning. Parents and carers agree. Pupils are keen to learn new skills and engage well with a wide range of experiences.

Typically, lessons see busy pupils using and applying their knowledge in a range of practical and stimulating activities with opportunities to investigate, predict and direct their own learning ... particularly enjoying activities that fire their enthusiasm for learning.

Spirituality is enhanced well by close links with the church and through the tolerance and respect that pupils have for one another.

Pupils’ typical behaviour is good in lessons and around the school. They are polite, self-assured and generally get on well with each other.

Throughout the school, staff give high priority to the emotional needs of pupils through careful attention to personal, social and health education in which pupils are given regular opportunities to express their feelings and anxieties.

Pupils are supported effectively in knowing how to improve their work through helpful comments from teachers in their books.

Test results, together with the school’s own data show that attainment was high in all subjects at the expected Level 4 and at the higher Level 5 at the end of Year 6 in 2011.

The drive and determination of senior leaders to improve the school lie at the heart of the school’s continual improvement.

Pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, achieve well over time as a result of teaching that is mainly good with some outstanding practice. Parents and carers are confident that their children are taught well.

The governing body is committed to seeing the school improve further. It has a good understanding of the school’s priorities and is confident to act where necessary to support improvements or to question proposals.

Pupils report that staff are always there to help and are confident that their voice will be heard. Typically they comment ... "Teachers always listen to us." And, "They help us with our problems."

Files to Download


Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo
