Hollinhey Curriculum
Hollinhey Curriculum Intent
The Hollinhey pupil is at the centre of the curriculum. It reflects the stages of development, the ages, interests and experiences of the Hollinhey pupil. Our Curriculum is designed to enthuse, stimulate, delight and encourage pupils’ love of learning. It promotes physical, social, emotional, spiritual and moral well-being and is rooted in our locality with opportunities to explore the diversity of the wider world in which the pupils will experience through their lives. The Hollinhey Curriculum provides challenge and opportunity for all pupils to experience excellence, evoking independence, responsibility and resilience. It conforms to the Statutory National Curriculum 2014.
Hollinhey Curriculum Aims:
To provide a stimulating, relevant, broad set of learning experiences
To ensure achievement and progression
To develop a life-long love of learning
To develop skills and understanding of the diverse world in which Hollinhey pupils live and contribute to
To establish basic educational needs of listening, speaking, reading, writing, questioning and empathising
To celebrate personal success and the achievements of others
To maximise the local environment in order to provide opportunities for learning
To embed knowledge and skills learnt so that they can be applied in different contexts and situations
To ensure Hollinhey pupils are safe, secure, confident, environmentally and emotionally aware learners and citizens in our diverse society
Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education Study. This must be made in writing giving school sufficient notice to prepare althernative provision.
To find out more about how we are complying with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs please refer to our
- School Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Page
- Equality (Public Sector Equality Duty) Page
For further information please contact the relevant class teacher.
See Files to Download for our Curriculum Overview of Intent and Implementation, our Hollinhey Pledge to enrich this curriculum offer and our Curriculum Drivers (Science, Geography & History main units) for 2023 2024.
Links to Curriculum Subject Progression Documents
Links to each Curriculum Subject's Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Links to the Curriculum by Year Group