Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mr Perry

Mr Perry

Year 2 teacher


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We are here to keep everyone in our school community safe. If you have a safety worry, Mrs Clough is here to help. Email

Welcome to our class page!

The team is:

Teachers Teaching Assistants

Mr Perry

Ms Bewers (Thurs AM)

Mrs Davey

Mrs Richardson (Mornings)

Miss Hagar (Tues and Thurs PM)

Summer 2

This half term, Year 2 will dive headfirst into our exciting new topic that will ignite curiosity and spark wonder in both Science and Geography.

Get ready to explore the fascinating world of plants and how they grow! We'll learn that plants may grow from either seeds or bulbs, which then germinate and develop into seedlings before maturing into fully grown plants. These mature plants may have flowers that develop into seeds, berries or fruits.

Our investigation will cover the specific times of year when seeds and bulbs need to be planted, as well as the varying rates at which they germinate and grow. We'll discover that some plants thrive in full sun while others prefer partial or full shade. Understanding that plants need different amounts of water and space to grow well and stay healthy will be a key focus.

In Geography, we'll be exploring the essential skills of map making. Students will learn to use and accurately understand the points of the compass: North, South, East and West, as well as the intermediate directions NE, NW, SE and SW. We'll discover how to use coordinates correctly, understanding that the bottom comes before the side.

Our activities will include drawing simple picture maps and matching aerial and plan views of buildings or features. Students will learn to create simple plans with objects placed relative to each other in position and size. We will also practice adding labels and features to field sketches and distinguishing between human and physical features on maps, aerial photographs and plan perspectives.

Join us as we embark on these exciting learning journeys, fostering a deeper connection with the world around us and honing our skills as young scientists and geographers!

There are lots of details in the documents below, and more details on our curriculum page here.

Important information

On PE days (Wednesdays and Thursdays), please can the pupils come to school in PE kit, including trainers and Hollinhey jumpers. We are outside in all weathers so suncream and caps will be needed on hot, sunny days and joggers and leggings on cold days. 

Taking the time every day to read with and listen to your child, and discussing the content of the text, will have a hugely beneficial impact on your child's learning and progress. Reading to them is also important so they can hear how an experienced reader reads.

We read every day in school. We do whole class guided reading, small group guided reading, individual reading and reading in our English and other lessons. We will record the small group guided reading sessions and 1:1 reading in the reading records. Books will be swapped on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Homework is set every Wednesday and should be completed for the following Monday. Homework includes daily reading at home, a weekly English or Maths activity, as well as online activities on Spelling Shed, Maths Shed or TT Rockstars. Pupils may need support to complete homework. Theme enrichment actvities will be provided each half term, so you can share in your child's learning if you would like to. 

Please send water in the childrens' bottles and a healthy snack for breaktime. A fruit or vegetable snack is provided during afternoon break.


Find an excellent range of maths games here:

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Year 2: News items

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Year 2: Gallery items

June 2024, by Mrs McPike

September at Hollinhey, by Mrs McPike

Year 2: Calendar items

Inset day, by Mrs McPike

School opens, by Mrs McPike


Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo