New to Hollinhey?
Welcome to Hollinhey
We are delighted that you have chosen Hollinhey Primary School for your child and we look forward to welcoming you into the school community over the up and coming months.
Please follow the link to our 'Virtual School Tour' if you can not visit in person.
I have attached in Files to Download a copy of our current prospectus for you, along with a number of different forms that I would be very grateful if you could complete and return to the school office. (Pre-school information, Pupil registration, Medical Information). Also in the Files to Download is some additional information about how we protect your child’s privacy and how to apply for pupil premium.
If you have any questions or would like any further information please feel free to contact me. I am contactable via my email address: or by phoning the school office on 01625 704352.
I wish you and your child all the best over the coming weeks and look forward to welcoming you to Hollinhey in the near future.
Kind Regards
Mrs Clough