Extra Curricular Clubs

At Hollinhey, teaching staff give up their own time to provide a variety of extra curricular opportunities throughout the academic year. Below is the timetable for the 'free' Afterschool Clubs provided by the school for Spring Term 1, some clubs, which are highlighted in purple are taken by an outside agency and there is a fee to pay.

Login to School Spider to reserve a place on our free after school clubs, bookings don't go live until 6pm Wednesday 8th January. If a club doesn't appear on the booking page then unfortunately all the available spaces have been filled.

If there are any other clubs that you would like to see at Hollinhey, please do speak to Mr Barlow-Davenport or send an email to year4@hollinhey.cheshire.sch.uk 

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Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo
