Remote Learning at Hollinhey
Aspire primary schools have been working together to develop a clear strategy to support remote learning if a class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate due to Coronavirus.
As we are now in a National Lockdown, we are now entering a time where the majority of children will be learning remotely. We will therefore be committed to delivering the expectations as set out in our remote learning strategy.
This lockdown is different from any previous lockdowns as all children will be expected to engage with the full curriculum being provided by the school in order that they continue to progress and do not fall behind with their learning.
It will be the responsibility of all parents to ensure that their child is actively participating in all aspects of the school day – this will be from home for the majority of the children.
Teacher’s will be expected to monitor engagement and will need to report any concerns.
We appreciate that there may be a few difficulties as we start this new way of learning - we are here to help so please do ask if you are struggling.
Teachers will be happy to receive any questions or feedback from parents through your child’s class email address. They will aim to respond to these in a timely manner but this may not be on the same day if a message is sent after 5pm. Please can we ask that any work that needs submitting, is only uploaded on Microsoft Teams and is not sent via the class email address in order that all work is stored in the same place.
Access to technology
We know that access to remote learning is a challenge for some of our families and we are working to find solutions to support you. In some families, this is due to a lack of devices , in others there are parents working from home and multiple siblings managing timetables with only one device. If you are struggling with devices you may request to borrow an ipad from school. Please email .
Expectations for the children’s engagement
ï‚· It is expected that all pupils engage with remote learning, on a regular basis. School understand the pressures of home learning and appreciate that children may not be able to log in to every session. School expects to see daily engagement, whether through posts online, submission of work or attendance at live sessions unless notified otherwise by parents. This is particularly important for those children who attend school part time as often the work builds on previous learning.
ï‚· Pupils to seek help if they need it, from teachers or teaching assistants
ï‚· Alert teachers if they’re not able to complete work
ï‚· Continue following the standards set by their class teacher regarding handwriting and presentation of work and for every child to work to their best ability.
ï‚· Be appropriately dressed for live meets.
Supporting children’s learning
ï‚· We would recommend creating a dedicated area for your child to work on their remote education and at the start of the lesson they have access to the appropriate resources (e.g. pencil, appropriate book/log-in details to the online learning platforms).
ï‚· Establish a routine that works for your family. School expects that on-line work is not accessed/submitted at unsociable times according to the age of the child and will contact parents if older children appear to be working at inappropriate times.
ï‚· Some regular time to move, exercise, and have a break will be beneficial for your child’s home learning experience.
ï‚· Having log in details for education platforms to hand will also make this process easier for your child. ï‚· Seek help from the school if they need it
ï‚· School expects families to be respectful of staff well-being and to understand that a response to communications should not be expected outside of the hours of a reasonable working day.
Please see download the Remote Learning Expectations Document for further details on policy and procedure.