School Tour


Welcome to our brief tour of Hollinhey Primary School, Sutton. On this page we will show you the main parts of the school as if we were showing you around in person!  Naturally you are welcome to visit in person at any time, please telephone us for an appointment 01625 383247.

In 2016, we extended the school to include a new Entrance Foyer, a large School Admin Office, a Medical Room, a practical activity room named after Charles Tunnicliffe and bright entrance corridors which currently display art canvases based on our History Curriculm.

We have Accessibility parking available and an Accesible toilet in our new extension. 

Our most recent addition has been Toad Stool Den- an outside library for our children. This was possible due to a kind benefactor and funds raised by 'The Friends of Hollinhey'. Our future plans include a new play equipment area funded from a grant by Beech Hall Trust.


We have about 208 children in 7 classes and one class per year group in 7 large classrooms.  All our classes are taught by qualified teachers and we also have Teaching Assistants to provide extra support to small groups of children and individuals. We pride ourselves on being a happy school where the children come first and can learn in a fun safe environment.


We have seven large classrooms each with computers and large electronic touch display screens.  Click on the links to each class:    Reception class   Year 1   Year 2   Year 3   Year 4   Year 5   Year 6


Our hall is the centre of the school.  We use it for assemblies, school dinners, PE, dancing, sports, Christmas shows and many other activities.  We also hire the hall to outside organisations such as Aikido.

ICT Suite and the use of technology

We have a fantastic ICT Suite with computers for every child in a class.  Every class uses these computers regularly so the children become familar with modern IT in a safe controlled environment.

The ICT Suite and every classroom all have large interactive electronic boards linked to computers which the teachers use to display lessons and the children can use for interactive learning.  Every classroom has two or three computers for the teacher and children to use. We also have a full class set of Mini i-pads.

Reading room

Our Reading Room provides a quiet space for individual children or children in small groups to receive focussed tuition in various subjects.

Study Centre

The Study Centre is a separate building in the school's grounds that is used by Sutton St James Pre-school in the mornings and Goslings Before and After School Club.   Click here to go to the Goslings page


Outside we are very fortunate to have two large playgrounds with two adventure play areas, a "quiet area" and a willow tunnel. The Friends Of Hollinhey provided our new playground markings- including two large maps.

Sports Field

Our grounds include a large grass playing field that we use for football, rounders, cricket, sports day and summer fairs. Macclesfield Junior Football Club hire our field and our local Cub Pack use it in the summer for their Physical Activity badges. Every year we hold the Reliance Soccer Sevens Finals- a competition over 50 years old!

Woodland Area

We are a rural school so we believe it is important to teach the children about the countryside and rural issues.  We are lucky to have a woodland area where the children learn about trees and plants in a natural safe environment in the schools grounds. We also have a fenced Nature area which we use for studying habitats, food chains and other areas of the Science Curriculum.


We have a garden area where the children grow a range of plants and vegetables with our own potting shed and compost bins.

Please visit in person...

Please visit the school in person so you can see for yourself.  You are welcome at any time, but the best times to visit are during the school day during term time when you can see the children working (and having fun!) in the classrooms. Please phone 01625 383247 to arrange a visit.


Bell Avenue,
Cheshire, SK11OEE

Mrs Mandy McPike | Admin Assistant

01625 704352

Mrs Sarah Clough | Headteacher & SENDCo